Integrative Attachment Trauma Protocol

There’s that word again…attachment.  Can you tell that I have quite a bit of knowledge in that area? When I first went to EMDR training in Omaha in 2012, I met Deb Wesselmann, one of the trainer clinicians that was there to help us learn EMDR.  Since I knew that my destiny was to do EMDR with children, my ears perked up when I heard that she was one of the only ones there who knew how to do this, and that in her practice she did EMDR with lots of kids-really young ones too. It turned out she has been one of three ladies at the Attachment and Trauma Center of Nebraska who I have been blessed to have as mentors.  They helped me through my EMDR certification and beyond.


Deb and her partners Stefanie Armstrong and Cathy Schweitzer have a book out that describes an EMDR protocol that is quite successful with children with attachment trauma.  Their book is called Integrative Team Treatment for Attachment Trauma in Children:  Family Therapy and EMDR.  Along with the book, they have authored the Integrative Attachment Trauma Protocol, which is a specialized family therapy and EMDR integrative model for treating abused and neglected children.  See more about it at the link below.  I became certified in this model in August of 2016.